Do you need to have insurance to use shooting services?
The Grotgun company declares that it conducts business in accordance with applicable law, it has all the consents, licenses, concessions and insurance required by the administration authorities. The grotgun company is guided by the good of clients and the principles of due diligence resulting from the professional nature of the business. In particular, grotgun declares that it is insured in the scope of civil liability. However, grotgun recommends that all customers using the services conclude appropriate insurance with the Insurance Company of their choice.
Does the price of the shooting packag(s) include transport?
No, however, we are happy to recommend transport and taxi companies that will provide transport for additional price. More information here: https://www.grotgun.com/en/location/
Are there any contraindications for people who want to shoot?
During the shooting classes, participants must be sober and can not be under the influence of intoxicants or disruptive drugs.
Does the person have to be an adult to use grotgun services?
In the case of minors or those who do not have full capacity to perform civil-law activities to perform services - consent is required, from the legal guardian of a minor or a person not having full capacity for civil law actions. It must be expressed in the form of a notarial deed, or by the presence of at least one of the guardians at the shooting range. The lack of this document or the absence of one of the guardians are the basis for the grotgun representative to refuse to provide the service.
Is it possible to buy "extra shots" at the place?
Is the shooting range out-door and is it seasonal?
Shooting services are held throughout the year at the indoor shooting range; however, the shooting targets are located outside.
What weapons can you try at grotgun shootign range?
The grotgun company allows customers to shoot firearms, has a wide range of weapons: short, long, automatic and from the Second World War. More information and description of weapons yu can find here: https://www.grotgun.com/en/armory/.
Do you need a gun permit to shoot?
A participant using grotgun's services does not need to have a gun license. The grotgun company has all the approvals, licenses, concessions and insurance required by the administration: necessary to perform the services.
Can you come to the grotgun shooting range with an companion?
What aims are available in the grotgun company?
The objects are paper and/or metal. Paper targets are made in accordance with sports regulations and according to their own designs. Sports targtes and metal targets - have different designs and sizes. Only for uniformed services there is a possibility of shooting at silhouette figures (photographic).
Is the weapon real?
Yes, the grotgun company uses firearms with the use of live ammunition.
How should you dress for shooting?
Preferred is a casual dress, sports shoes, adapted to the season.
What should you bring with you to grotgun shooting range?
Positive mood. All necessary equipment (ie safety glasses, shooting protective earphones) is available at the place.
How long does it take?
The length of the shooting depends on the number of people taking a part and the type of the selected shooting packages.
Who runs shooting classes?
Shooting classes are held under the supervision of qualified instructors with many years of experience. More information about the instructors here: https://www.grotgun.com/en/about-us/.
Can you organize classes for a larger group?
Of course! The grogtun company specializes in the organization of huge shooting events !!!